Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

[F407.Ebook] Free Ebook The American Political Tradition, by Richard Hofstadter, Christopher Lasch

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The American Political Tradition, by Richard Hofstadter, Christopher Lasch

The American Political Tradition, by Richard Hofstadter, Christopher Lasch

The American Political Tradition, by Richard Hofstadter, Christopher Lasch

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The American Political Tradition, by Richard Hofstadter, Christopher Lasch

A revised edition of the clasic study of American politics from the Founding Fathers to FDR.

  • Sales Rank: #14400989 in Books
  • Published on: 1961
  • Binding: Unknown Binding

From the Inside Flap
A revised edition of the clasic study of American politics from the Founding Fathers to FDR.

Most helpful customer reviews

27 of 30 people found the following review helpful.
A Masterwork of its Genre
By David Southworth
The classic story of American History, as told by Richard Hofstadter, has rightly come to be thought of as a masterpiece of American history since its original publication in 1948. This well deserved reputation comes from the rich storytelling, attention to detail, and thoughtful and complete narrative Hofstadter puts forward in this book.

Hofstadter takes as his guide one figure from each generation starting from the beginning of the Republic, and through biographical sketch describes both the historical figure and the time period he is depicting. Beginning with Jefferson and including people such as Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt, Hofstadter demonstrates how a combination of the great men and the times they lived in shaped what have come down to us as the leading tradition in American politics: the belief in American greatness, individualism, and compassion.

The most significant contribution of this book is to show how these men, who have come down to us as legendary and nearly mythological figures were very much political animals. Just like Bill Clinton and George Bush make decisions today based on political calculation, so to do Lincoln and Jefferson. That these men were not demigods but in fact mere humans makes their achievements that much more incredible.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Reason I Got a 5 on my AP Exam
By Amazon Customer
This was the central book to our course for AP United States History. I didn't read the pageant at all ever (despite what the teacher assigned). All I did was read this book and write essays for them.
This along with recycled AP tests that's were used throughout the course as regular tests effectively enabled me to get an A in the course and 5 on the exam with zero, yes 0, studying for the final.
Hofstadter eloquently teaches the underlying causes as to why things happened in history through the use of the U. S. presidents.
Overall, if you're an AP U. S. student, pick up this book, outline it, write a multiple college level essays, forget about studying, and get a 5.

10 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
a classic of American history
By David H. MacCallum
This marvelous series of essays on American leaders made Richard Hofstadter's reputation as one of the most important young historians in the country during the late-1940's. Professor Hofstadter took on this assignment at a very early age. He was only 28 years old when he started this book, now a bit of a cult classic in American history, and finished it when he was 32. In spite of his youth, he clearly had fully formed opinions on what drives American politics. Hofstadter throws new lights on American history in a series of twelve finely-drawn portraits, mostly of Presidents but one of a stern moralist, Wendell Phillips, and one of a constantly disappointed Presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan.

In each of these sketches, all masterful in their unique viewpoints and careful analytical approach, Hofstadter sees similarities that quickly bubble to the surface. In all of them, the consistent struggle is that of the conflict between differing views of economic organization. That is the prism through which Hofstadter constructs his view of American political development. In all of this, we are treated to a great ride through our nation's history from an historian who refuses to tell the familiar story but reaches for an understanding of how opinions change over time.

Jefferson, the great Virginia aristocrat, is as clear and eloquent as any of the founders in his defense of the common man, both his rights and his liberties. But of course Jefferson's love of liberty had its clear limits: he was a lifelong slaveowner and almost assuredly the father of one of his slave's children. Andrew Jackson struggles for the common man, dismantling the Bank of the United States, but Hofstadter reminds us that Jackson's early days were spent defending the rights of the propertied class.

John C. Calhoun is presented as the most artful defender of slavery, an institution that had, apart from its heinous and inexcusable human consequences, the effect of sharply reducing the cost of labor in cotton farming, a highly labor-intensive industry. We see the emerging clash between the North and the South as an economic argument. Curiously, Calhoun is also presented as a Unionist but he wanted a special kind of Union, one dominated by the South not the North. Here again, Hofstadter's take on Calhoun presents him in a quite different light than the most portraits of the Great Nullifier.

It is Hofstadter's analysis of Lincoln that most arrests the attention of any student of American history. Hofstadter calls the Emancipation Proclamation not much more than a "bill of lading". It called for emancipation not because slavery was wrong but only that the emancipation of the slaves was required for "military necessity". Only those slaves in the disloyal Southern states were to be freed. Slaves in the loyal Border States were not touched by the Proclamation. His hesitation to fully address the moral wrongness of slavery is based on electoral politics, according to Hofstadter. The most important source of Lincoln's electoral strength was centered in the Midwestern (then referred to as "Northwestern") parts of the country, where voters feared that the institution of slavery, if it spread to other parts of the country, would depress wages and result in more intense competition for jobs. It was not the moral wrongness of slavery that Lincoln initially appealed to but to a more convincing economic argument. Nevertheless, Hofstadter eventually focuses on Lincoln's slow turn to the abolition of slavery in all parts of the country. But we are left with a portrait of Lincoln, probably our greatest president, that is at times frustratingly nuanced.

Hofstadter's discussion of the emerging strand of progressivism in American politics develops slowly. The post-Civil War period was perhaps the most dynamic period of industrial development in the nation's history. Only by the end of the nineteenth century did the voice of the common man find its full volume. William Jennings Bryan was this voice but his career never achieved its full potential. Bryan, three times the nominee of the Democratic party, failed in his most important quest: to change the monetary system of the country from one based on gold to a more accomodating system. Hofstadter's discussion of Bryan is a sad interlude between the magnificence of Lincoln and the emergence of Theodore Roosevelt.

This is perhaps the most puzzling of Hofstadter's portraits. Roosevelt is here presented as a conservative. He opposes bills to raise the salaries of police and civil employees. He guards against the potential violence of labor strikes and urges firing live bullets at striking workers, if necessary. He enters the Presidency with no strong position on the problems caused by corporate power. In fact, as Hofstadter relates, he admits "I have let up in every case where I have had any possible excuse for doing so." One is left with the impression, very much encouraged by Hofstadter, that Teddy was far more noise than substance. This is in stark contrast to recent biographies of Teddy; wanted to read a fuller exposition of Hofstadter's take on Roosevelt, particularly in view of the now widely-celebrated Part Three of Edmund Morgan on Roosevelt, an expansive but ultimately hagiographic study.

The final two portraits (excepting a brief piece on the immensely talented but woefully inept Herbert Hoover) are perhaps the most interesting, since they touch on issues that have emerged in the present decade.
Both Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt had clear conceptions of the use of governmental power to influence events. Wilson turned from a highly successful career as a college president to politics, almost as an afterthought. He came from an intensely conservative background, as did Roosevelt, and brought with him highly conventional views. Hofstadter traces the gradual movement of Wilson, first as a governor and then as President, towards more progressive positions, ones that infuriated business interests. He instituted the income tax, created the Federal Reserve, reduced the tariff (the first significant reduction since the Civil War), and extended control over big business with the Clayton Anti-Trust Act. Resentment against Wilson became white-hot as a result of this. This loss of trust enabled the Republican party to defeat the League of Nations treaty, a world structure that Wilson felt would be his most signal achievement. It ended badly for Wilson and Hofstadter sums it up acutely: "He said that American entrance to the war would be a world calamity, and led the nation in...He said the future... of the world depended on removing the economic causes of war, and did not attempt even to discuss these causes at the Peace Conference." Here it is again: economics rules, according to Hofstadter.

Finally, it is Franklin Roosevelt's turn for the Hofstadter lens. Here, he is at his most critical. Not only does Roosevelt seem to be na�ve and practically disinterested in economic policy but he fails miserably in restoring the American economy, lurching from one unsuccessful program to another. Only with the run-up to World War does the American economy respond to governmental intervention. By now, after eleven portraits, each of which offers a different slant on the most prominent American political figures, Hofstadter's reservations about Roosevelt seem predictable and a bit forced. Nevertheless, Hofstadter's overall point is well-served: the American Political Tradition is one of compromise, constant tacking to catch the wind, shifting to capture the mood of the electorate, and growth as broader perspectives become more visible.

In all of this, Hofstadter seems to be saying that important questions are ultimately decided by society's attempt to move towards a middle ground, one where the scales of opinion reach equilibrium. He does this with a series of portraits, each of which illustrate the process of political movement. Not surprisingly, economics has determined most of the important issues of our history. Hofstadter's book is deeply satisfying and constantly interesting. It may not be the easiest read in American history but it is one of the most important.

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Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

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Applied Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, 7e, by Elena Bablenis Haveles BS Pharm  Pharm D

Covering the most commonly used drugs in dentistry, Applied Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, 7th Edition provides an in-depth understanding of the pharmacologic principles needed for safe and effective dental treatment and oral health care. It discusses drug properties and mechanisms of action, dosages, intended effects, interactions, and adverse reactions ― both for the medications a patient may already be taking and for the drugs prescribed by the dentist. New to this edition are topics such as drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis to reduce the risk of infection, cholesterol and cardiovascular guidelines, and new information on type 2 diabetes. Written by dental hygiene educator Elena Haveles, this trusted text prepares you for the expanding role of the dental hygienist!

  • Comprehensive coverage provides an in-depth understanding of the most commonly used drugs, how they work, and how they affect patients’ oral health and dental treatment options.�
  • A dental focus addresses the drug interactions of clinical interest in dentistry, with explanations as to why certain drugs are used or contraindicated in a dental treatment plan.
  • A logical format organizes chapters into four parts: 1) general pharmacologic principles, 2) drugs used in dentistry, 3) drugs that may alter dental treatment, and 4) special situations.
  • Clinical Skills Assessment offers review questions at the end of each chapter, helping you assess your knowledge of the material.
  • Dental Hygiene Considerations boxes show how principles of pharmacology apply specifically to dental hygienists.
  • Note boxes highlight important concepts, indications, contraindications, memory tools, warnings, and more.
  • Key terms are bolded and in color within each chapter and defined in a handy glossary.�
  • Summary tables and boxes serve as useful review and study tools with quick, easy-to-read summaries of key concepts.
  • Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter set goals for what you will accomplish and provide a useful study guide for examinations.
  • A bibliography in each chapter lists resource citations for additional research and study of dental-related topics.
  • Quick-reference appendixes include resources such as the top 200 drugs, medical acronyms, and information on herbal and dietary supplements.
  • A drug index provides easy look-up of specific drugs and types of drugs.
  • NEW! Updated coverage reflects the latest changes and advances relating to dental treatment, such as adverse drug reactions, antibiotic prophylaxis, osteonecrosis of the jaw, cardiovascular and cholesterol guidelines, oral anticoagulant drugs, and type 2 diabetes.�
  • NEW! Full-color design includes additional illustrations showing basic principles and internal processes, along with photographs of oral conditions and side effects.

  • Sales Rank: #86632 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-03-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.80" h x .60" w x 8.50" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 368 pages

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My professor at ODU wrote this book and it's awesome!

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Senin, 28 Juli 2014

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Marine Biology (6th, Sixth Edition) - , by Peter Castro & Michael E. Huber, by Peter Castro (P. Castro) & Michael E. Huber (M.E. Huber)

  • Sales Rank: #929507 in Books
  • Published on: 2007
  • Binding: Paperback

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Senin, 21 Juli 2014

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Native American Voices, by Susan Lobo, Steve Talbot, Traci Morris Carlston

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Native American Voices, by Susan Lobo, Steve Talbot, Traci Morris Carlston

This unique reader presents a broad approach to the study of American Indians through the voices and viewpoints of the Native Peoples themselves. Multi-disciplinary and hemispheric in approach, it draws on ethnography, biography, journalism, art, and poetry to familiarize students with the historical and present day experiences of native peoples and nations throughout North and South America–all with a focus on themes and issues that are crucial within Indian Country today. For courses in Introduction to American Indians in departments of Native American Studies/American Indian Studies, Anthropology, American Studies, Sociology, History, Women's Studies.

  • Sales Rank: #64485 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-09-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.70" h x 1.30" w x 8.00" l, 2.15 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 546 pages

About the Author
SUSAN LOBO is a consultant, emphasizing research, advocacy, and project design and development. She works primarily for American Indian communities, nonprofits, and nations in the United States and Central and South America. She holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Arizona and has taught at the University of California at Berkeley, where she was the coordinator of the Center for Latin American Studies. She has also taught in Native American Studies Departments at the University of California, Davis, and at the University of Arizona, and she has taught environmental studies at Merritt College. Between 1978 and 1994 she was the coordinator of the Community History Project archive, housed at Intertribal Friendship House, the Indian Center in Oakland, California. This archive is now at the Bancroft Library, Berkeley. For many years she was also a producer of the KPFA-FM radio series Living on Indian Time. She was a co-founder of the South and Central American Indian Information Center and of the American Indian Community History Center.
Her books include A House of My Own: Social Organization in the Squatter Settlements of Lima, Peru (1982); American Indians and the Urban Experience (co-editor; 2000); Urban Voices: The Bay Area American Indian Community (2002); and The Sweet Smell of Home: The Life and Art of Leonard F. Chana (2009). She has also written many articles for professional and popular journals. She is currently a distinguished visiting scholar in American Indian Studies at the University of Arizona and a consultant for Tohono O’odham Community Action.
STEVE TALBOT received a master’s degree in anthropology and community development in 1967 from the University of Arizona and a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley in 1974. In the early 1960s he was an American Friends Service Committee fieldworker in Indian community development on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona. He served on the board of Oakland’s Intertribal Friendship House and was closely associated with Indian student activism, the 1969 Alcatraz occupation, and the founding of the University of California at Berkeley Native American Studies program. He was acting assistant professor of Native American studies there from 1971 to 1974.
He has lectured and taught Native American studies courses in Europe and at several universities in the United States. He chaired the anthropology and sociology departments at the University of the District of Columbia, until 1983, and was a lecturer in Native American Studies at the University of California at Davis from 1988 to 1990. In 1999 Talbot retired from San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton, California. Currently he is adjunct professor of anthropology at Oregon State University and an instructor in sociology and Native American Studies at Lane Community College. His publications have dealt mainly with Native American sovereignty, religious freedom, and political activism. These include the book Roots of Oppression: The American Indian Question (1981); the article “Academic Indianismo: Social Scientific Research in American Indian Studies” in American Indian Culture and Research Journal (2002); and the article “Spiritual Genocide: The Denial of American Indian Religious Freedom from Conquest to 1934,” Wicazo Sa Review (2006). Currently he is completing an introductory text with the working title Contemporary Native Nations of North America: An Indigenous Perspective, to be published by Prentice Hall.
TRACI L. MORRIS (Chickasaw/Caucasian) holds a Ph.D. in American Indian Studies. She is the owner of Homahota Consulting and in this capacity serves as the Policy Analyst for Native Public Media. Through Homahota Consulting, Morris provides technical training for Indian country and is a community educator on tribal issues. She has worked with Native urban and tribal communities in the state of Arizona, with state agencies, the Arizona governor’s office, the Phoenix Indian Center, the Tucson Indian Center, and tribal leaders in policy analysis, resource development, and training and technical assistance. She has lectured widely over the years to community and government organizations on a wide range of Native issues and topics. Morris has lectured at universities throughout the country. She has nine years of teaching experience at various colleges and universities in Arizona, including the University of Arizona and Arizona State University. Currently she is adjunct faculty for the American Indian Studies Department at Arizona State University and in the Native American Studies Department at Eastern Central University in Oklahoma.
Morris has also worked in the arts for several museums and galleries, including internships at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian, at the George Gustav Heye Center in lower Manhattan, and at the Arizona State Museum. She worked as manager and buyer for Tucson’s oldest Native American Art Gallery, Bahti Indian Arts.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
From Textbook to Favorite Source
By Maureen
Lobo et al. Produced a wonderful piece oin this edition confers the problems and concerns of native studies in the colonized world. Particularly issues of identity and sovereignty were highly descriptive. I have referenced this book in further studies after purchasing it for a initial course. As a textbook I would say it is a good introduction to both the blind who do not see contemporary native issues and the unlearned who do not see how deep they are.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Nice Book
By bry
Not my exact cup of tea (more of a science kid), but it was a required book for my Native American Culture course to fulfill a humanities requirement, so I bought it.

The book as an overall nice layout for the chapters, and gradually progresses through some of the notable events in Native American culture, and describes their effects on the social development of the Native Americans.

It appears that a lot of time and research went into crafting this book, and that effort is something I genuinely appreciate.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Great book
By Antoinette
Whether its for class or just for your own personal pleasure, this is a great book. Very informative and helps to understand the current topics of Native American culture. We must remember their history is not just something in the past, but is current, alive and strong today

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Native American Voices, by Susan Lobo, Steve Talbot, Traci Morris Carlston PDF

Native American Voices, by Susan Lobo, Steve Talbot, Traci Morris Carlston PDF
Native American Voices, by Susan Lobo, Steve Talbot, Traci Morris Carlston PDF

Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

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Hurt Village, by Katori Hall

  • Sales Rank: #1074379 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.50" h x 5.25" w x .25" l, .20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 81 pages

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P.S. I Like You, by Kasie West

Signed, sealed, delivered...

While spacing out in Chemistry class, Lily scribbles some of her favorite song lyrics onto her desk. The next day, she finds that someone has continued the lyrics on the desk, and added a message to her. Intrigue!

Soon, Lily and her anonymous pen pal are exchanging full-on letters -- sharing secrets, recommending bands, and opening up to each other. Lily realizes she's kind of falling for this letter writer. Only who is he? As Lily attempts to unravel the mystery, and juggle school, friends, crushes, and her crazy family, she discovers that matters of the heart can't always be spelled out...

Kasie West brings irresistible wit, warmth, and sparkle to this swoon-worthy story of love showing up when you least expect it.

  • Sales Rank: #9334 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-07-26
  • Released on: 2016-07-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.30" h x 1.20" w x 5.60" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 336 pages

From School Library Journal
Gr 7–10—Cade and Lily have been enemies for years: he's rude about her clothes, hair, and whole vibe; she thinks he's a snotty, stuck-up rich kid. Plus, she has her eye on shaggy hipster Lucas, who looks like he could totally be on her wavelength. But when Lily scribbles some graffiti on top of the desk to combat her boredom in chemistry class, she's surprised to find a reply the next day and even more surprised when the answers continue. Soon, she's corresponding through hidden notes and bonding with her secret pen pal over a mutual interest in indie music. Who's her mysterious new friend? Little by little, Lily whittles down the number of possibilities to one that makes absolutely no sense. Although it gets off to a slow start as the author sets up the various subplots, there's much to like about this sweet love story. West allows the sworn enemies to reexamine themselves in a believable way; Lily considers that the person she becomes around her nemesis Cade is not her best self—and that the same could possibly be true for Cade. There's plenty of kissing at the end, but nothing that renders this work unsuitable for middle school readers. VERDICT Hand this one to fans of tween romance and Jennifer E. Smith's books.—Elizabeth Friend, Wester Middle School, TX

Praise for P.S. I Like You:

"Lily is one of the funniest heroines I've met in a long time. This is my favorite Kasie West book yet!" -- Miranda Kenneally, author of Catching Jordan

"Clever and heartwarming. P.S. I love this book, and you will too!" -- Lisa Schroeder, author of The Bridge from Me to You
"Readers after an enjoyable beach romance won't go wrong with this." -- Kirkus Reviews

About the Author
Kasie West is the author of several YA novels, including The Distance Between Us, On the Fence, The Fill-in Boyfriend, and P.S. I Like You. Her books have been named as ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers and as YALSA Best Books for Young Adults. Kasie lives in Fresno, California with her family, and you can visit her online at www.kasiewest.com.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
P.S. I Like You Rocks. I want to be Kasie West when I grow up.
By BookCat
For those of you who haven't ready anything by Kasie West, stop what you're doing & read P.S. I Like You. Or The Fill-In Boyfriend. Or The Distance Between Us. Or...You know what, just read her books already, okay?
The best part about her books, and P.S. I Like You is no exception, is that her characters are likable. And funny. I laughed out loud several times while reading P.S. I Like You. The main character seems quirky but still real enough that you could picture meeting an actual, real life Lily Abbott. She has family, friends, hobbies, flaws, insecurities, dreams, etc., and these are all balanced enough for you to think, "Yeah, I think Lily could be a real person, and yeah, I think she'd be cool enough to hang out with."
Another great part about Kasie West's books: She offers great, fun romance. This book has enough of the romance without it being the only focus for the main character, and thus the only thing the reader has to focus on for 200+ pages.
Now for the cons, because, let's be honest, no book is perfect. It was fairly obvious from the beginning who the secret pen-pal was going to be. While it might have been a mystery for Lily, it didn't take Sherlock Holmes to put two and two together. That being said, the rest of the book was enjoyable enough to get over that minor flaw in an otherwise flawless story.
Another con: And this is a bit of a beef I have with all of Kasie West's books, they end way too abruptly! Now, I know that I am just an unsatisfied reader that wants to know that the two lovebirds grow up, get married, and have lots of cute, Indie rock babies, and that's not how books work. But I would like a little more wrap up, just a page or even a paragraph more of happily ever after. But I get it Kasie West, a story ends where it wants to end and all that. I just don't think I'm alone in wanting a tad more. Just saying.
All in all, this book is fantastic. Not quite as great as The Fill-In Boyfriend, but it is definitely worth at least 4.95 stars. Read it! And enjoy!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
fun, easy
By Beagle
This book was exactly what I wanted it to be: fun, easy, and sweet. I read it in one day, and am anxious to read other books from this author. I liked her characters, it felt realistic in both action and dialog, and Lily was quirky enough to make her a very likable protagonist, especially for me, as I felt like I could relate. I liked that she could admit her wrongdoings, and move forward a better person. A perfect summer read.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
It was practically perfection
By Amazon Customer
It was too beautiful for words. Not just fluff, but also light hearted and funny. The characters were real enough to step out of the book and speak to me and I loved both main characters! That's a feat! Usually the girl lead is whiny or does something stupid, but I loved Lily just as much as I loved Cade! Ten stars(if I could)

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Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

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SOA: Principles of Service Design, by Thomas Erl

“This book could be described as an encyclopedia of service design–Erl leaves nothing to chance. Indispensable.”

–Steve Birkel, Chief IT Technical Architect, Intel Corp.

“An absolute pleasure to read…the best SOA book I’ve read.

A book I would recommend to all of my colleagues; it provides much insight to the topics often overlooked by most books in this genre…the visuals were fantastic.”

–Brandon Bohling, SOA Architecture and Strategy, Intel Corporation

“This book is a milestone in SOA literature. For the first time we are provided with a practical guide on defining service characteristics and service design principles for SOA from a vendor-agnostic viewpoint. It’s a great reference for SOA discovery, adoptions, and implementation projects.”

–Canyang Kevin Liu, Principal Enterprise Architect, SAP Americas, Inc.

“I liked this book. It contains extremely important material for those who need to design services.”

–Farzin Yashar, IBM SOA Advanced Technologies

“This book does a great job laying out benefits, key ideas and design principles behind successfully adopting service-oriented computing. At the same time, the book openly addresses challenges, risks and trade-offs that are in the way of adopting SOA in the real-world today. It moves away from ivory-tower views of service orientation, but still lays out a strong vision for SOA and outlines the changes necessary to realize the full potential.”

–Christoph Schittko, Senior Architect, Microsoft

“I recommend this book to any SOA practitioner who wishes to empower themselves in making service design real…gives readers the 360� view into service design [and] gives SOA practitioners the depth and understanding needed into the principles of SOA to assist in the design of a mature and successful SOA program.”

–Stephen G. Bennett, Americas SOA Practice Lead, BEA Systems

“SOA projects are most successful when they are based on a solid technical foundation. Well accepted and established design principles are part of this foundation. This book takes a very structured approach at defining the core design principles for SOA, thus allowing the reader to immediately applying them to a project. Each principle is formally introduced and explained, and examples are given for how to apply it to a real design problem. A ‘must read’ for any architect, designer or developer of service oriented solutions”.

–Andre Tost, Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Software Group

“There are few references for SOA that give you the nuts and bolts and this one is at the top of the list. Well written and valuable as a reference book to any SOA practitioner.”

–Dr. Mohamad Afshar, Director of Product Management, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Corporation

“A thorough examination of the considerations of service design. Both seasoned SOA practitioners and those endeavoring to realize services can benefit from reading this book.”

–Bill Draven, Enterprise Architect, Intel Corporation

“There are very few who understand SOA like Thomas Erl does! The principle centric description of service orientation from Thomas canonizes the underpinnings of this important paradigm shift in creating agile and reusable software capabilities. The principles, so eloquently explained, leave little room for any ambiguity attached to the greater purpose of SOA. Most organizations today are creating services in a bottoms-up approach, realizing composition and reuse organically. The time is ripe for a book like this that prepares architects for a principle centric approach to SOA.”

–Hanu Kommalapati, Architect, Microsoft Corporation

“Outstanding SOA literature uniquely focused on the fundamental services design with thorough and in-depth study on all practical aspects from design principles to methodologies. This book provides a systematic approach for SOA adoption essential for both IT management and professionals.”

–Robin Chen, PhD, Google, Inc.

“Thomas Erl’s books are always densely filled with information that’s well structured. This book is especially insightful for Enterprise Architects because it provide s great context and practical examples. Part 1 of the book alone is worth getting the book for.”

–Markus Zirn, Senior Director, Product Management, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Corporation

“A very clear discussion of the subject matter. Provides a good structure that facilitates understanding and readily highlights key points.”

–Kareem Yusuf, Director of SOA Strategy and Planning, IBM Software Group

“I am very impressed. Comprehensive. Educative. This book helped me to step back and look at the SOA principles from broader perspective. I’d say this is a must-read book for SOA stakeholders.”

–Radovan Janecek, Director R&D, SOA Center, Hewlett-Packard

“Very valuable guidance for understanding and applying SOA service design principles with concrete examples. A must read for the practitioner of SOA service design.”

–Umit Yalcinalp, PhD, Standards Architect, SAP

“This book really does an excellent job of explaining the principles underpinning the value of SOA…Erl goes to great length to explain and give examples of each of the 8 principles that will significantly increase the readers ability to drive an SOA service design that benefits both business and IT.”

–Robert Laird, IT Architect, IBM EAI/SOA Advanced Technologies Group

“This book strikes a healthy balance between theory and practice. It is a perfect complement to the SOA series by the author.”

–Prakash Narayan, Sun Microsystems

“If you are going to be designing, developing, or implementing SOA, this is a must have book.”

–Jason “AJ” Comfort Sr., Booz Allen Hamilton

“An excellent book for anyone who wants to understand service-orientation and the principles involved in designing services…a clear, concise and articulate exploration of the eight design principles involved in analyzing, designing, implementing, and maintaining services…”

–Anish Karmarkar, Oracle Corporation

“Very well written, succinct, and easy to understand.”

–Raj Balasubramanian, IBM Software Group

“Acomprehensive exploration of the issues of service design which has the potential to become the definitive work in this area.”

–James Pasley, Chief Technology Officer, Cape Clear Software

“An excellent addition to any SOA library; it covers a wide range of issues in enough detail to be a valuable asset to anyone considering designing or using SOA based technologies.”

–Mark Little, Director of Standards, Red Hat

“This book communicates complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. Examples and illustrations are used very effectively.”

–Darryl Hogan, Senior Architect, Microsoft

“A work of genius…Offers the most comprehensive and thorough explanation on the principles of service design and what it means to be ‘service oriented.’

“Erl’s treatment of the complex world of service oriented architecture is pragmatic, inclusive of real world situations and offers readers ways to communicate these ideas through illustrations and well formulated processes.”

–David Michalowicz, MITRE Corporation

“This is the book for the large organization trying to rationalize its IT assets and establish an agile platform for the future. By highlighting risk and rewards, Thomas Erl brings clarity to how Service Orientation can be applied to ensure a responsive IT organization. This book finally brings software engineering principles to address the real world development challenges being faced.

To effectively serve the business, let alone embrace SOA, everyone involved should be familiar with the concepts investigated here. Thomas Erl thoroughly clarifies the nuances and defines the practice of service design.

We expect that this will become a classic text in software engineering, corporate training

and colleges.”

–Cory Isaacson, President, Rogue Wave Software and Ravi Palepu, SOA Author and Speaker

“Thomas Erl does a great job…an easy read.”

–Michael H. Sor, Booz Allen Hamilton

“…a must read for SOA Architects to develop a firm foundation and understanding of the principles (and trade-offs) that make up a good SOA service.

After reading this book, it finally ‘clicked’ as to why a properly designed SOA system is different (and better) than a system based on previous enterprise architectures.”

–Fred Ingham, Platinum Solutions Inc.

“Lays a tremendous foundation for business and technical workers to come to common terms and expectations…incredibly enlightening to see the details associated with achieving the SOA vision.”

–Wayne P. Ariola, Vice President of Strategy, Parasoft

“[Erl does] and excellent job of addressing the breadth of [his] audience to present to those new to SOA and weaved in enough detail to assist those who are already actively involved in SOA development.”

–R. Perry Smith, Application Program Manager, EDS/OnStar

“It is easy to miss the big picture of what SOA means for the design of larger scale systems amidst the details of WS technologies. Erl helps provide a broader perspective, surveying the landscape from a design standpoint.”

–Jim Clune, Chief Architect, Parasoft

“Lays a firm foundation for the underlying principles of good service design. Cuts through the hype and provides a cogent resource for improving architectural judgment on SOA projects.”

–Jim Murphy, Vice President of Product Management, Mindreef, Inc.

“The first book to concisely, gradually and comprehensively explain how to apply SOA principles into enterprise-level software design. It is an excellent book.”

–Robin G. Qiu, Ph.D., Division of Engineering and Information Science, Pennsylvania State University

“I really think that this is a very useful book that a lot of people really need out there in the industry.”

–Dr. Arnaud Simon, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat

“…indispensable companion to designing and implementing a service-oriented architecture. It condenses all information necessary to design services and is the most relevant source I know if in the field.”

“[This book is] not only helpful, but fundamental to successfully designing an SOA.”

–Phillipp Offermann, Research Analyst, University of Berlin

“Service-Oriented Architecture is an important topic in IT today. Its vast scope could span an organization’s enterprise. Designing it properly is a major undertaking. This book provides timely, expert and comprehensive discussions on the principles of service design. Thomas has a keen sense in identifying the subtle points of various subjects and explains them in an easy-to-understand way. The book is a valuable resource for IT professionals working in SOA.”

–Peter H. Chang, PhD, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Lawrence Technological University

The Definitive Guide to Service Engineering

The key to succeeding with service-oriented architecture (SOA) is in comprehending the meaning and significance of its most fundamental building block: the service. It is through an understanding of service design that truly “service-oriented” solution logic can be created in support of achieving the strategic goals associated with SOA and service-oriented computing. Bestselling SOA author Thomas Erl guides you through a comprehensive, insightful, and visually rich exploration of the service-orientation design paradigm, revealing exactly how services should and should not be designed for real-world SOA.

This book’s in-depth coverage includes

  • Over 240 full-color illustrations.
  • A concise introduction to SOA and service-oriented computing concepts and benefits.
  • A thorough exploration of the service-orientation design paradigm as represented by eight specific design principles.
  • A comparison of service-oriented and object-oriented concepts and principles and a clear definition of what qualifies as “service-oriented” logic.
  • Detailed coverage of four different forms of service-related design granularity.
  • An exhaustive examination of service contracts, with an emphasis on standardization, abstraction, and the utilization of WS-Policy, XML Schema, and WSDL definitions.
  • A comprehensive study of positive and negative service-related coupling types with an emphasis on the requirements to attaining a suitable level of loose coupling.
  • An inside look into how commercial design approaches are incorporated to achieve truly agnostic and reusable service logic.
  • Techniques for maximizing service reliability, scalability, and performance by instilling high levels of autonomy and emphasizing stateless design.
  • Approaches for positioning services as highly discoverable and interpretable enterprise resources.
  • Unprecedented coverage of how to design services for participation in complex compositions.
  • The definition of concrete links between each design principle and the strategic goals and benefits of SOA and service-oriented computing.
  • Numerous cross-references to key design patterns documented separately in SOA: Design Patterns.




Preface xxv

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

Chapter 2: Case Study Background 19

Part I: Fundamentals

Chapter 3: Service-Oriented Computing and SOA 25

Chapter 4: Service-Orientation 67

Chapter 5: Understanding Design Principles 103

Part II: Design Principles

Chapter 6: Service Contracts (Standardization and Design) 125

Chapter 7: Service Coupling (Intra-Service and Consumer Dependencies) 163

Chapter 8: Service Abstraction (Information Hiding and Meta Abstraction Types) 211

Chapter 9: Service Reusability (Commercial and Agnostic Design) 253

Chapter 10: Service Autonomy (Processing Boundaries and Control) 293

Chapter 11: Service Statelessness (State Management Deferral and Stateless Design) 325

Chapter 12: Service Discoverability (Interpretability and Communication) 361

Chapter 13: Service Composability (Composition Member Design and Complex Compositions) 387

Part III: Supplemental

Chapter 14: Service-Orientation and Object-Orientation: A Comparison of Principles and Concepts 445

Chapter 15: Supporting Practices 477

Chapter 16: Mapping Service-Orientation Principles to Strategic Goals 497


Appendix A: Case Study Conclusion 513

Appendix B: Process Descriptions 517

Appendix C: Principles and Patterns Cross-Reference 529

Additional Resources 533

About the Author 535

About the Photos 537

Index 539

  • Sales Rank: #516294 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-07-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.20" h x 1.60" w x 7.30" l, 2.91 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 608 pages

About the Author

Thomas Erl is a best-selling IT author and founder of�CloudSchool.com™ andSOASchool.com �. Thomas has been the world's top-selling service technology author for over five years and is the series editor of the Prentice Hall Service Technology Series from Thomas Erl (www.servicetechbooks.com�), as well as the editor of the Service Technology Magazine (www.servicetechmag.com). With over 175,000 copies in print world-wide, his eight published books have become international bestsellers and have been formally endorsed by senior members of major IT organizations, such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, Accenture, IEEE, HL7, MITRE, SAP, CISCO, HP, and others.

Four of his books, Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, SOA Design Patterns, SOA Principles of Service Design, and SOA Governance, were authored in collaboration with the IT community and have contributed to the definition of cloud computing technology mechanisms, the service-oriented architectural model and service-orientation as a distinct paradigm. Thomas is currently working with over 20 authors on several new books dedicated to specialized topic areas such as cloud computing, Big Data, modern service technologies, and service-orientation.

As CEO of Arcitura Education Inc. and in cooperation with�CloudSchool.com™ andSOASchool.com �, Thomas has led the development of curricula for the internationally recognized SOA Certified Professional (SOACP) and Cloud Certified Professional (CCP) accreditation programs, which have established a series of formal, vendor-neutral industry certifications.

Thomas is the founding member of the SOA Manifesto Working Group and author of the Annotated SOA Manifesto (www.soa-manifesto.com). He is a member of the Cloud Education & Credential Committee, SOA Education Committee, and he further oversees theSOAPatterns.org�and�CloudPatterns.org�initiatives, which are dedicated to the on-going development of master pattern catalogs for service-oriented computing and cloud computing.

Thomas has toured over 20 countries as a speaker and instructor for public and private events, and regularly participates in international conferences, including SOA, Cloud + Service Technology Symposium and Gartner events. Over 100 articles and interviews by Thomas have been published in numerous publications, including the Wall Street Journal and CIO Magazine.

Most helpful customer reviews

64 of 69 people found the following review helpful.
More is less, and less would have been nothing.
By John Mors
Where do I start?
On the positive side. It is the only computer book I have read in years that is completely free of typing and grammatical errors.
On the negative:
Thomas Erls' previous book contains lots of valuable information about services. This book does not.
A good design book would have contained more.
Every time he starts to discuss something of depth, it is always beyond the scope of the book, contained in the companion Design Patterns book or in a book that he has yet to write, or he references another chapter containing a paragraph of clarification. The OOAD section is great, but that's not the topic of the book.
You know those articles where the text is great, but the diagrams confusing and innane. Well in this book, the diagrams are inane and so is their description. Take for example, page 327. There is a drawing of a stationary car and a moving car. The text reads "State refers to the general condition of something. A car that is moving is in a state of motion, whereas a car that is not moving is in a stationary state." What enlightenment. Another figure, Figure 8.10 ( I know it well ), is repeated 4 times on two pages, and at various other places, with only changes to the text. I can't help but feeling, that if I read all of the following books that this one promotes, I may get one book's worth of content.
I know that my review differs from the others. I have extensive experience in design ( although not SOA design ), and found most of what was discussed repetetive and obvious. Also I can't help but notice when I look at other reviewers' profiles, they have only ever reviewed one book, or at most two.
I will probably buy, or at least checkout the SOA patterns book ( referenced extensively in this one as published, but lost in book desert ). I hope it contains the content that this book should have contained.

55 of 61 people found the following review helpful.
The Content Takes a Back Seat to the Production
By Jeff C
This book is beautifully produced. The printing is first rate, the multi-color format is very pleasing to the eye, it smells wonderful, and it is superbly copy-edited (I caught no typos or grammar atrocities as is typically par with technology books). The content you ask? Well that is a bit secondary I am afraid.

While the copy-editing is first rate, the content editing is in need of some work. There is some really excellent content in this book but it is too often mired in beautiful but banal diagrams and structurally sound but superflourous text. It simultaneously suffers from both redundancy and paucity of information. The reader is too often referred to other books in the series, websites, or other sources of information.

In the end I think that there is some great content here, but I am afraid that many readers will give up in boredom or frustration before digesting all of the content.

25 of 27 people found the following review helpful.
A great example of SOA marketing and hype
By Max J. Pucher
This book is excellently produced in terms of presentation and content. That in itself is a hint that it is neither a fact book nor a how-to guide. It has no other intention than to sell the reader on the idea of SOA. Yes, it does describe the various technological concepts and principles but it does not contain a discussion of what it actually means to do SOA and what problems you will encounter in the real world.

it is a lot of money for a piece of marketing. If you need to sell SOA to your C-level management then this is a good way to do it. If you want to know how to deliver on the promise of this book then you will find that there is not much out there. What is however happening is that the term SOA is being redefined and changed continously so that in the end, the people who promoted it can turn around and say: 'See we did it after all!'

I still think that we should focus on the business user and his needs and not on a piece of useless archtitecture. This is where in my mind this book fails. It does not help me to improve IT for the business users and therefore it does not help the business. More on my blog: [...]

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SOA: Principles of Service Design, by Thomas Erl PDF
SOA: Principles of Service Design, by Thomas Erl PDF